Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bella still missing

Craigslist Lost Ad

$$1000-Reward$$ - Lost Shiba Inu - dogs - looks like a black fox (near Branham & Almaden Exp, San Jose)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-04-20, 8:24AM PDT

Lost female Shiba Inu dog, black with tan color, small to medium size, 251bs, curly tail, pointed ears, looks like a black fox, may be injured. Name is Bella. Lost Friday night, 4/11. Last spotted running down Edenbury Ln and and recently near Willow Glen HS. Could be anywhere in the greater south San Jose area or surrounding communities. $$ 1000 Reward $$ offered. 408-891-4239 any time, day or night. View SJ Mercury News article for additional info:

Thanks to Gail for letting me know about this.

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