Saturday, June 21, 2008


Once again, I've updated the entire site at I like this better! I'll be adding more ads to the ad side of the pages, but I like the layout better now.

According to my tests, this layout will show the following:

  • 640x480: menu, main article
  • 800x600: menu, main article, link buttons to store, blog, and about us page
  • 1024x768 and above: menu, main article, link buttons to store, blog, and about us page, and ads - wonderful ads that pay for this website! (ouch, did that hint pinch?)

I want to add:
  • thumbnails of the graphics that are offered in the store
  • a complete sitemap that includes subpages
  • a page for letters and responses
  • some kind of widget that rotates pictures and info of rescue shibas needing homes
    • also a widget that shows an auto alert for missing shibas
Lots to do... :)

In other news, Bella is still at large. She was spotted last Sunday, so for all of you dog lovers in the San Jose area, keep your eyes open!

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